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Mara Nursery Blog

Goodbye 2023, Hello 2024! - Words from our Nursery Manager, Jerleen

Goodbye 2023, Hello 2024!

As the year slowly draws to an end it is a good time to reflect on the year that we have had! It has been an amazing year filled of achievements both personal to staff and nursery wide as we have embarked on a series of challenges set up in December 2022; and managed to achieve them before the year ended. We are proud to say that we have achieved our Bronze HEYL award and are currently working towards our silver, our Millie's Mark award, got a 5 in our Food and Hygiene rating, achieved our Silver TFL award, opened Runnerbeans and achieved our RHS level 5 gardening award. These things wouldn't have been possible without the support from all of the staff and of course all of our amazing parents so THANK YOU!

This year we celebrated our 3rd Birthday and the nursery has been growing rapidly as we become more established as a setting. A lot of this has been down to word of mouth as you lovely parents have been spreading the word about the experiences that you have had with us here at Mara so again, Thank you!

We have had a lot of events this year as we think of more ways to strengthen our relationships with both our parents and the local community. From Mummy and me, to visits from the mayor we are very grateful that we can be in a position to offer these experiences for both the children, parents and staff alike.

I have loved every minute of being apart of the Mara journey as I watch staff reach new heights as they tackle personal challenges and endeavour on new things to build on their own professional development. I am proud of each and everyone of them and can't thank them enough for helping to add to the family feel that we have around the nursery and for supporting me with any crazy ideas that I spring at them with the upmost enthusiasm always. The thing that drives me and helps to keep me motivated is celebrating both the successes of the staff, the nursery and our children. We have seen first steps, first words, first toilet visits, new friendships form and a growth in confidence, independence and resilience from all of the children as they learn new things and show a can do attitude in everything that they partake in.

I couldn't ask for a better team and for a better nursery to be a part of. We constantly strive to be better and to offer new and unique experiences for everyone. So thank you all for being a BIG part of the Mara family and I can't wait to see what 2024 has install for us all.
We wish everyone that is celebrating a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

So without further ado, goodbye 2023 and here's to making many more memories in 2024🥂